Tuesday, June 5, 2007

First Weigh In

I joined Weight Watchers and have started my trek to losing 100 pounds. Yep, 100 pounds. That's a whole lot.

I have this cousin that is real big and Papaw used to say to me after petting me on the leg, "Better watch out, yer gettin' big as V******." Well, I really don't want that.

So what prompted this -- oh several things...

1) My husband is 10 years younger and 10 years sexier than I am. He is 6'3" tall and 180 pounds. I am 5'6" tall and 235.6 pounds. This is officially obese.
2) My kids. I can't catch the 2.5 year old. He runs from me and I literally cannot catch him. This would be funny to someone watching, but it is not funny when he runs into the road.

So it is time to do something about it.

Today's meeting -- I'm a note taker --

When estimating points, most people underestimate. It is thought that they underestimate by 500-1000 points a day which adds up to a minimum of 1 pound (3500 calories).

Why do we underestimate?
  1. eating mindlessly
  2. ignoring our comfort zone
  3. reluctant to use our QuickTrak
  4. Aversion to limiting self to portion sizes
  5. Complaints not losing when cutting back
  6. Excuses -- "It runs in my family."
Assignment -- everytime we are tempted to take a bite, nibble, taste what we are cooking we are to jot it down and bring it in. We will figure up our mindless eating points at the next session.

B. - bite
L. - lick
T. - taste

Flex Tracking Guidelines

Essential to write down meals and snacks.
Recommended to track exercises or earn activity points, mark down fruits, veggies, oil, milk, water intake.
Optional to write down your feelings when eating but a good idea.

Important -- Don't let yourself get too hungry. Use all of your points or your body will begin to store the fat as in time of famine.

Did you know you can download the eTools to your cell phone? Neat.

Ok -- gonna do this.

1 comment:

Tired of "Drama Queen" said...

Yippee! I am proud of you. I gained 1.4 pounds this week. Boo Hoo. One pound is like 4 sticks of butter. Gotta get this butter off my butt this week.

