Wednesday, August 1, 2007

and Another one's Gone.

Down one more pound.

Busy, busy, busy.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Another ONE bites the dust

Lost one pound this week.
Stopped weight watchers.
Using the principles I learned and it kick started me.
Not being fanatical about it, just being conscious of my need to behave myself.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Slow and Steady wins the race

Down 1.7 pounds.

I can't afford the weight watchers plan with my new domestic situation and with my hubby having to take court ordered classes and with having to pay for a new motor in my van.

So, I have the basics down pat and have a really good scale at work that always weighs exactly 2 pounds more than the weight watchers scale.

So -- Every Tuesday I'll weigh myself and keep reporting.

I know I am not losing it fast, but Slow and Steady I believe will help me keep the weight OFF.



Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Confession Time

I went to my meeting today. Lost .8 pounds.

I feel bloated. I ate too many Doritos last night. Had an urge and acted upon it.
So -- here's what we learned in our meeting today and two ideas for yummy eats.


Most people look at a plateau in weight loss as negative, but it is a good thing. Change your thinking about the plateau and here is what you come up with.

Imagine that you are a mountain climber and you reach a plateau on that mountain. This time the word plateau is a positive word. A plateau is a time for your body to rest. For you to look down and reflect on where you have been. No you have not reached your destination but you are progressing on your journey. Like a plateau balances out the terrain on a mountain, our body uses the plateau to balance out our body's needs during this journey.

P - Patience is more important than anything.
L - Live the plan versus treating it as a diet.
A - Accept the fact that you may not lose weight every week.
T - Take time to analyze what you are doing.
E - Evaluate your progress and reward yourself.
A - Attend meetings each week.
U - Understand that this is a process and not just a destination.

Being aware of your points make a difference in lifestyle changes.
Meeting attendees lose 3x more weight.
Don't forget your tracking, water, and good health guidelines.

Recipe 1 --

Frozen Peanut Butter Cups -- 2 points

8 oz fat free frozen cool whip
1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter
2 Tablespoons Chocolate Syrup

Blend cool whip and peanut butter
Spoon into 12 cupcake foils
top with chocolate syrup

Freeze for 6-8 hours
Makes 12 servings.

Pineapple/Angel Food Cake dessert -- 3 points

Grilled Pineapple
Breyers lowfat ice cream (1/2 cup)
Angel Food Cake

Yum, Yum.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Scale Wars

Okay -- I know that in WW you are not supposed to weigh yourself or be obsessed with the scale -- but...

When I first started trying to lose weight I was up to 240 pounds on my home scales. I lost down to 230 on my scales then I decided to join WW. One week on my own and was down to 225.

Today on the home scales I am 220.

The WW scales weigh me differently.

I didn't weigh in yesterday, am on vacation and didn't want to drive to the next town where I work to weigh in. I think I am making progress, I am being healthier and I am cutting way, way down.

Now, I just need to exercise more.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Grilled Fruit

Weighed in today -- lost 3.2 pound. Total 3.6.

Not too bad -- I want to lose it slow so it will stay off.

That time of the month doesn't help though.

Today we talked about BBQ's since the Fourth of July is coming. Our leader said to declare this our THINdependence day.

They gave me this little book called Move More - telling me about excercise. I need to read it.

I bought the Strawberry Banana Smoothie mix to have at work.

Here is a list of points and items that we can choose to make if we have a BBQ for Independence Day.

3 oz hamburg - 5 points
Fat Free Hotdog - 1 point
Portobello Mushroom - 0 points
2 oz shrimp - 1 point
4 1/2 oz chicken breast - 6 points
6 oz chicken leg - 9 points
light hamburger bun - 1 point
light hot dog bun - 1 point
1 c. tossed salad - 0 points
vinegar & 2 tblsp olive oil - 2 points
1 cup grilled vegetables - 0 points
7" ear of corn on the cob - 1 point
14 potato chips - 4 points
lettuce leaves - 0 points
tomato slices - 0 points
ketchup / mustard - 0 points
1 tsp butter (for corn) - 1 point
2" watermelon - 1 point
strawberry shortcake - 7 points
ice tea or water - 0 points

But the cool thing was the discussion about grilled fruit. They said it will make you slap your Granny. Poor Granny. They were grilling pineapple -- I've had that it is good. They were grilling peaches (yes, peaches) leave skin on, spray with butter spray -- grill. And even bananas -- one lady said put curry spice on banana and a little splenda -- cut longways and grill - banana needs to be slightly green. Don't think I'll try that yet.

Anyway -- happy grilling.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

I think I have...

I know you are not supposed to weigh yourself in between of weigh ins -- but it has been a couple of weeks.

According to my scale -- looks like about 8 pounds. I can't wait until Tuesday.

I'm having trouble getting my points in. Cutting out the snacks, cleaning the kids' plates, and that extra meal at my mom's house every day when I pick up the kids has helped a lot. It has also assured me that I don't cook that unhealthy. Oh yeah -- I'm addicted to water now.

My mom cooks real good, real southern, and real fattening. She keeps my kids and when I pick them up there is cornbread, fried food, cheesy stuff all sitting on the stove. I had been eating all of that then coming home and cooking a meal for the family.

No wonder I had blossomed to a whopping 240.

I love my mom -- man can she cook.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

No Weigh In Yesterday

The church where we weigh in is having vacation Bible school and the space where we meet was not available.

I'm watching what I eat and miss the big portions. I miss the salty snacks too. Don't imagine I did real well -- but I think I did lose. The girls had dance recital and two rehearsals which meant no real meal planning, just snacking -- after dressing and undressing them for their onstage numbers -- I kind of lost track. But doing better now.

I started my period. Yuck -- Haven't had one of those things in months. So maybe all this water, etc is helping me in that arena.

Be healthy.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday Weigh-In - Lost .4 lbs

I only lost .4 pounds this week -- I had done better early in the week but this weekend was amazingly stressful and I tend to be a stress eater. The engine in my van needs replaced -- so I freaked out and ate unhealthy stuff.


Our meeting today was timely regarding that subject... Here's my notes from the meeting.

RENOVATE -- a time to renew, refresh, make like new, replace, repair and revive. We are renovating our bodies.

Here are the TOOLS we need for this project.
  • WINNING OUTCOME -- we need a plan, we were asked to set a goal for labor day (8 weeks) I'm setting that goal at 15 pounds -- that is around 2 pounds per week -- a healthy weight loss goal.
  • EMPOWERING BELIEFS -- believe that change is going to be worth it, change your behavior.
  • ANCHORING -- determine what inner resources you need like patience, persistence, and perseverence. Have a visual reminder, set a reward for yourself as a motivator.
  • STORYBOARDING -- plan the steps, save your flex points, at a restaurant share entrees, if you know you will be in a tempting situation review the what-ifs prior to going, what if there is chocolate cake, what if there is yummy chips and dip. What are my options?
  • MENTAL REHEARSING -- steps for best changes, what will you do? This will keep you from having any surprises.
  • MOTIVATING STRATEGY -- inspires you by using your imagination and visualizing your goal.
  • REFRAMING -- if your plan is not working, find another way to do it. In times of stress know your weaknesses, keep certain foods out of the house, find alternatives to eating or something to keep you busy.
  • POSITIVE SELF-TALK -- hammer out the negative in your life. Don't say Why did I start this? I'm not doing good, but pat yourself on the back for taking this step in your life. Like the little engine that could.
  • ASSERTING -- If you don't like what is happening ask for help. If you go to a restaurant and they don't prepare your order the way you specified, speak up.
  • SWITCHING -- the old is out and the new is in. Get rid of unhelpful habits and replace with new.

YOU CAN DO IT. You can use your head or sit on your butt. Like the flip of a coin, "heads you win, tails you lose." You are a winner.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Oink, Oink

I was a piggy today.

Stress eater -- just like you Sis. Ate a bunch. Don't know how bad I blew it, but have been good the rest of the week.

Oh well, tomorrow is a new day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Arby's Salad

Arby's Martha's Vineyard Salad along with my breakfast only leaves me 4 points today.

Martha’s Vineyard Salad

A fresh bed of mixed greens topped with diced grilled chicken breast, shredded cheddar, diced apples, dried cranberries and grape tomatoes. Served with sliced toasted almonds and Raspberry Vinaigrette dressing.

Guess I'll eat some raw taters for supper.

Took Daughter #1 to work with me and she wanted Arby's -- got the salad and it is 13 points.

Just whining.

I have been getting one activity point each day though for riding my stationary bicycle 15 minutes each morning. Good for me.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

First Weigh In

I joined Weight Watchers and have started my trek to losing 100 pounds. Yep, 100 pounds. That's a whole lot.

I have this cousin that is real big and Papaw used to say to me after petting me on the leg, "Better watch out, yer gettin' big as V******." Well, I really don't want that.

So what prompted this -- oh several things...

1) My husband is 10 years younger and 10 years sexier than I am. He is 6'3" tall and 180 pounds. I am 5'6" tall and 235.6 pounds. This is officially obese.
2) My kids. I can't catch the 2.5 year old. He runs from me and I literally cannot catch him. This would be funny to someone watching, but it is not funny when he runs into the road.

So it is time to do something about it.

Today's meeting -- I'm a note taker --

When estimating points, most people underestimate. It is thought that they underestimate by 500-1000 points a day which adds up to a minimum of 1 pound (3500 calories).

Why do we underestimate?
  1. eating mindlessly
  2. ignoring our comfort zone
  3. reluctant to use our QuickTrak
  4. Aversion to limiting self to portion sizes
  5. Complaints not losing when cutting back
  6. Excuses -- "It runs in my family."
Assignment -- everytime we are tempted to take a bite, nibble, taste what we are cooking we are to jot it down and bring it in. We will figure up our mindless eating points at the next session.

B. - bite
L. - lick
T. - taste

Flex Tracking Guidelines

Essential to write down meals and snacks.
Recommended to track exercises or earn activity points, mark down fruits, veggies, oil, milk, water intake.
Optional to write down your feelings when eating but a good idea.

Important -- Don't let yourself get too hungry. Use all of your points or your body will begin to store the fat as in time of famine.

Did you know you can download the eTools to your cell phone? Neat.

Ok -- gonna do this.
