Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday Weigh-In - Lost .4 lbs

I only lost .4 pounds this week -- I had done better early in the week but this weekend was amazingly stressful and I tend to be a stress eater. The engine in my van needs replaced -- so I freaked out and ate unhealthy stuff.


Our meeting today was timely regarding that subject... Here's my notes from the meeting.

RENOVATE -- a time to renew, refresh, make like new, replace, repair and revive. We are renovating our bodies.

Here are the TOOLS we need for this project.
  • WINNING OUTCOME -- we need a plan, we were asked to set a goal for labor day (8 weeks) I'm setting that goal at 15 pounds -- that is around 2 pounds per week -- a healthy weight loss goal.
  • EMPOWERING BELIEFS -- believe that change is going to be worth it, change your behavior.
  • ANCHORING -- determine what inner resources you need like patience, persistence, and perseverence. Have a visual reminder, set a reward for yourself as a motivator.
  • STORYBOARDING -- plan the steps, save your flex points, at a restaurant share entrees, if you know you will be in a tempting situation review the what-ifs prior to going, what if there is chocolate cake, what if there is yummy chips and dip. What are my options?
  • MENTAL REHEARSING -- steps for best changes, what will you do? This will keep you from having any surprises.
  • MOTIVATING STRATEGY -- inspires you by using your imagination and visualizing your goal.
  • REFRAMING -- if your plan is not working, find another way to do it. In times of stress know your weaknesses, keep certain foods out of the house, find alternatives to eating or something to keep you busy.
  • POSITIVE SELF-TALK -- hammer out the negative in your life. Don't say Why did I start this? I'm not doing good, but pat yourself on the back for taking this step in your life. Like the little engine that could.
  • ASSERTING -- If you don't like what is happening ask for help. If you go to a restaurant and they don't prepare your order the way you specified, speak up.
  • SWITCHING -- the old is out and the new is in. Get rid of unhelpful habits and replace with new.

YOU CAN DO IT. You can use your head or sit on your butt. Like the flip of a coin, "heads you win, tails you lose." You are a winner.

1 comment:

Tired of "Drama Queen" said...

i lost .4 also.

that's about same as 2 sticks of butter. my meeting was same as yours. our homework was to re-read book 5.

